Cytomegalovirus (CMV) belongs to the Herpes virus family and is transmitted through saliva, sexual contact, perinatally, or through blood transfusions or organ transplantation. Clinical disease resulting from CMV infection is relatively rare, but subclinical infection without disease manifestation is common throughout the world.
CMV causes most of the congenital virus infections in humans, with an incidence ranging from 0.2 to 2.2% of live births in different populations. Intrauterine transmission of the virus can occur at any time during gestation, but most infants are probably infected during birth or after birth from ingesting CMV-infected maternal milk. Disease of newborn with CMV infection is an often severe, fatal illness, usually affecting the salivary glands, brain, kidneys, liver and lungs.
After the primary infection, CMV can persist in a dormant state as a latent infection. During immunosuppressive treatment of patients (e.g. recipients of organ transplants), latent infection can be activated and appear as a secondary infection. CMV is one of the most serious and frequent pathogens in AIDS patients.
CMV pneumonia, a life threatening infection may occur in about 20% cases BMT (Bone Marrow Transplant) patients. The ability to distinguish primary from latent infection is of great importance as primary maternal infections have greater pathological potential for the fetus.
Diagnosis is made mainly by serological findings of antibodies (IgG and IgM classes) to CMV. However, it is necessary to test the specimen for specific IgM; presence of specific IgM antibodies indicates the primary infection, whereas presence of specific IgG antibodies indicates the immune status of patients.
Product | Cat # | Description | Specimen material | Method | Size |
Cytomegalovirus IgG | E-CVG -K18 | Quantitative detection of Anti- CMV IgG antibodies | Serum and Plasma | ELISA | 96 tests |
Cytomegalovirus IgM | E-CVM-K19 | Qualitative detection of Anti-CMV IgM antibodies | Serum and Plasma | ELISA | 96 tests |
Sample Volume : 10 µl
Controls/ Calibrators : 5 Calibrators ( IgG ) 3 controls ( IgM )
Incubation : 45’+ 45’+15 min
Substrate : TMB