Von-Langen-Weg 10, 48565 Steinfurt, Deutschland
+49 2551 / 2097



Measles, also known as “Rubeola”, is primarily a respiratory infection, but is best known for its typical skin rash. Fever peaks with the appearance of a characteristic rash, which typically begins on the forehead, then spreads downward over the face, neck, and body. One special identifying sign of measles is “Koplik’s spots”. These are small, red, irregularly-shaped spots with blue-white centers found inside the mouth which usually appear 1 to 2 days before the development of the rash.

Measles can lead to many different complications: croup, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis, myocarditis, hepatitis, and encephalitis. Measles can also make the body more susceptible to ear infections or pneumonias caused by bacteria. Symptoms and complications of measles are usually most severe in adults.

Measles has been largely eliminated in recent years as a major childhood disease due to immunization campaigns. However, because of vaccination failure and the increasing number of unvaccinated persons through individual choice, there has been an increased incidence of measles infection and subsequent complications amongst young adults. The screening of pregnant women, young adults and other high risk patients for circulating antibodies is important to determine the immune status of such individuals against this disease.

ProductCat #DescriptionSpecimen materialMethodSize
Measles IgGC-MVG-K10Qualitative detection of Anti Measles
virus IgG antibodies
Serum and PlasmaCLIA96 tests
Measles IgMC-MVM-K11Qualitative detection of Anti-Measles
virus IgM antibodies
Serum and PlasmaCLIA96 tests

Sample Volume : 10 µl
Controls/ Calibrators : 3 controls
Incubation : 20’+ 20’