Von-Langen-Weg 10, 48565 Steinfurt, Deutschland
+49 2551 / 2097

Mumps Virus


Mumps is a common childhood illness caused by a “myxo” virus. It is transmitted mainly by infected saliva although the urine also contains virus particles. The saliva is infectious for approximately six days prior to the onset of swelling of the salivary parotid glands in the cheeks. The individual may be infectious for up to two weeks after the onset of swelling of the glands, but the peak period of infectivity is a day or two before the onset of the swelling until very shortly after the swelling begins.
In general, the illness is self-limiting without clinical complications. However, orchitis may occur in post-pubertal male patients, and in a few cases, leads to reduced fertility. Other complications include inflammation of the pancreas, miscarriage, and very rarely, inflammation of the central nervous system in the form of meningitis, encephalitis, or myelitis.

ProductCat #DescriptionSpecimen materialMethodSize
Mumps IgGE-MUG-K12Qualitative detection of Anti- Mumps
virus IgG antibodies
Serum and PlasmaELISA96 tests
Mumps IgME-MUM-K13Qualitative detection of Anti-Mumps virus
IgM antibodies
Serum and PlasmaELISA96 tests

Sample Volume : 10 µl
Controls/ Calibrators : 3 controls
Incubation : 45’+ 45’+15 min
Substrate : TMB